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Ashleigh Doede

Conservatory Director

Ashleigh Doede began her training at Le Studio under the direction of Philip Fuller, Charles Fuller, and Gilma Bustillo. Along with her ballet training, she attended Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, where she began to broaden her dance techniques and versatility. Ashleigh then went on to work professionally with Anaheim Ballet, Milwaukee Ballet's Second Company, and Nevada Ballet Theatre. While in Nevada, she had the opportunity to choreograph The Velveteen Rabbit for NBT as well as The Vertical Hold in the Cirque du Soleil collaboration with NBT. She's also attended San Francisco Conservatory of Dance, Hubbard Street Dance Company, Northwest Professional Dance Project and Springboard Dance Montreal during various summers as a professional dancer. She is currently associate artistic director and dancer of Nancy Evans Dance Theatre as well as a yoga instructor with 500 hours or training through YogaWorks. Ashleigh joined Pasadena Dance Theatre in 2009 where she has not only had the opportunity to dance solo roles from classical to contemporary work but has also choreographed Surrender in 2014 for PDT's Master DanceMaker series Conversation With the Choreographer. That year the Company Edition carried the title of PASSIONmoves. She is currently PDT's Conservatory Director.

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